CLI Commands

The adcircpy command line interface (CLI) provides commands accessible from the command line, allowing a smart way to produce forecasts, tidal-only hindcasts, “best track” hindcast operations, and practicing parametric winds appropriate for storm surge hindcasts, for rapid iteration and debugging. A single command generates a sanitized file through Python code, which is user-customized to the virtual model scenario.


The tide_gen command generates the tidal forcing table required in the fort.15 file. The generated table is suitable for being pasted onto a target fort.15 file. In reality, this algorithm calls the same functions invoked when generating full model runs, so it can be used to check whether the tidal forcing outputs will look reasonable before running the entirety of the algorithm.

tide_gen /path/to/your/fort.14 '2021-02-26T00:00:00' 15 --mesh-crs='epsg:4326'
usage: tide_gen [-h] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]
                [--tidal-database {hamtide,tpxo}] [--mesh-crs MESH_CRS]
                mesh start_date run_days

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
  --tidal-database {hamtide,tpxo}, --tidal-db {hamtide,tpxo}
  --mesh-crs MESH_CRS


The tidal_run entrypoint will generate the necessary set of input files for forecast and hindcast tidal-only runs with any mesh. Most of the options that tidal_run takes are also valid for other command line entry points, so getting familiar with the options on tidal_run is helpful to understand the options for more advanced CLI entry points. A tidal only run is perhaps the first step towards mesh validation, and mesh stability checks, therefore having an entrypoint that is able to generate ADCIRC input files for tidal only runs pays greatly for initial mesh stability checks.

tidal_run \
    /path/to/fort.14 \
    $(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") \
    15 \
    --spinup-days=5  \
    --tau0-gen  \
    --crs=EPSG:4326  \
    --constituents=all \
    --timestep=10. \
    --stations-file=stations.txt \
    --elev-stat=6. \
usage: tidal_run [-h] [--crs CRS] --spinup-days SPINUP_DAYS [--fort13 FORT13]
                 [--coldstart-attribute COLDSTART_ATTRIBUTES]
                 [--hotstart-attribute HOTSTART_ATTRIBUTES]
                 [--timezone TIMEZONE] [--generate-tau0] [--FFACTOR FFACTOR]
                 [--generate-linear-mannings | --generate-constant-mannings GENERATE_CONSTANT_MANNINGS]
                 [--constituents [{K1,O1,P1,Q1,MM,Mf,M4,MN4,MS4,2N2,S1,all,major}]]
                 [--tidal-database {hamtide,tpxo}] [--timestep TIMESTEP]
                 [--gwce-solution-scheme {semi-implicit,explicit,semi-implicit-legacy}]
                 [--boundaries-threshold BOUNDARIES_THRESHOLD]
                 [--land-ibtype {0,10,20}] [--island-ibtype {1,11,21}]
                 [--output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [--overwrite]
                 [--elevation-surface-sampling-rate ELEVATION_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE]
                 [--velocity-surface-sampling-rate VELOCITY_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE]
                 [--meteorological-surface-sampling-rate METEOROLOGICAL_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE]
                 [--concentration-surface-sampling-rate CONCENTRATION_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE]
                 [--stations-file STATIONS_FILE]
                 [--elevation-stations-sampling-rate ELEVATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE]
                 [--velocity-stations-sampling-rate VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE]
                 [--meteorological-stations-sampling-rate METEOROLOGICAL_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE]
                 [--concentration-stations-sampling-rate CONCENTRATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE]
                 [--elevation-surface-sampling-rate-spinup ELEVATION_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                 [--velocity-surface-sampling-rate-spinup VELOCITY_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                 [--meteorological-surface-sampling-rate-spinup METEOROLOGICAL_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                 [--concentration-surface-sampling-rate-spinup CONCENTRATION_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                 [--elevation-stations-sampling-rate-spinup ELEVATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                 [--velocity-stations-sampling-rate-spinup VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                 [--meteorological-stations-sampling-rate-spinup METEOROLOGICAL_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                 [--concentration-stations-sampling-rate-spinup CONCENTRATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                 [--ascii] [--log-level {info,warning,debug}]
                 [--hostname HOSTNAME] [--port PORT] [--wdir WDIR]
                 [--keep-wdir] [--binaries-path BINARIES_PREFIX]
                 [--source-script SOURCE_SCRIPT]
                 [--additional-mpi-options ADDITIONAL_MPI_OPTIONS]
                 [--nproc NPROC] [--use-torque | --use-pbs | --use-slurm]
                 [--account ACCOUNT] [--slurm-ntasks SLURM_NTASKS]
                 [--walltime WALLTIME] [--partition PARTITION]
                 [--slurm-filename SLURM_FILENAME]
                 [--slurm-rundir SLURM_RUNDIR] [--run-name RUN_NAME]
                 [--mail-type MAIL_TYPE] [--mail-user MAIL_USER]
                 [--log-filename LOG_FILENAME] [--slurm-nodes SLURM_NODES]
                 [--slurm-launcher SLURM_LAUNCHER]
                 [--extra-commands EXTRA_COMMANDS] [--module MODULES]
                 mesh start_date run_days

positional arguments:
  start_date            Start date is relative to hotstart, that is, this is
                        the true start date of the model (in UTC time). Use
                        format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M to specify date. For example,
                        for August 1, 2013, 00:00 hours, write
                        "2018-08-01T00:00" (can be used with or without the

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --crs CRS
  --spinup-days SPINUP_DAYS
  --fort13 FORT13
  --coldstart-attribute COLDSTART_ATTRIBUTES
                        Use coldstart attribute that exists in fort.13 during
                        coldstart phase. Use --coldstart-attribute=all to use
                        all available attributes.
  --hotstart-attribute HOTSTART_ATTRIBUTES
                        Use nodal attribute that exists in fort.13 during
                        hotstart phase. Use all to use all available
                        attributes or use None.
  --timezone TIMEZONE
  --generate-tau0, --tau0-gen
  --FFACTOR FFACTOR     This is the constant friction coefficient used if any
                        of 'quadratic_friction_coefficient_at_sea_floor',
                        'bottom_roughness_length', are not passed as a nodal
                        attribute. Defaults to 0.02.
  --generate-constant-mannings GENERATE_CONSTANT_MANNINGS
  --constituents [{K1,O1,P1,Q1,MM,Mf,M4,MN4,MS4,2N2,S1,all,major}], -c [{K1,O1,P1,Q1,MM,Mf,M4,MN4,MS4,2N2,S1,all,major}]
                        Tidal constituent to be forced in the model. Pass
                        --use-constituent='all' to use all available
                        constituents (K1, O1, P1, Q1, MM, Mf, M4, MN4, MS4,
                        2N2, S1) or use --use-constituent='major'. For a
                        custom list of forcing constituents, pass -c= for each
                        individual constituent to use (case-insensitive). Use
                        None for no tidal forcing. Defaults to 'all'.
  --tidal-database {hamtide,tpxo}
  --timestep TIMESTEP
  --gwce-solution-scheme {semi-implicit,explicit,semi-implicit-legacy}
  --boundaries-threshold BOUNDARIES_THRESHOLD
  --land-ibtype {0,10,20}
  --island-ibtype {1,11,21}
                        Directory to which ADCIRC input files will be written
  --overwrite           Allows overwrite of output directory.
  --generate-only, --no-run, --skip-run
                        Generates and saves input files to the output
                        directory but does not deploy the ADCIRC run.
                        Elevation surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        elevation surface outputs are written to disk during
                        hotstart phase.
  --elevation-surface-harmonic-analysis, --elev-harm
                        Enables elevation surface harmonic analysis.
                        Velocity surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0, velocity
                        surface outputs are written to disk during hotstart
  --velocity-surface-harmonic-analysis, --velo-harm
                        Enables velocity surface harmonic analysis.
                        Meteorological surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        meteorological surface outputs are written to disk
                        during hotstart phase.
  --meteorological-surface-harmonic-analysis, --mete-harm
                        Enables meteorological surface harmonic analysis.
                        Concentration surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        concentration surface outputs are written to disk
                        during hotstart phase.
  --concentration-surface-harmonic-analysis, --conc-harm
                        Enables concentration surface harmonic analysis.
  --stations-file STATIONS_FILE
                        File containing list of stations for outputs. It will
                        parse the stations below the NOUTE, NOUTV and NOUTM
                        keywords for their respective stations list.
                        Elevation stations sampling frequency in minutes. When
                        this number is greater than 0, elevation stations
                        output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --elevation-stations-harmonic-analysis, --elev-s-harm
                        Enables elevation stations harmonic analysis.
  --velocity-stations-sampling-rate VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE, --velo-stat VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE
                        Velocity stations sampling frequency in minutes. When
                        this number is greater than 0, velocity stations
                        output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --velocity-stations-harmonic-analysis, --velo-s-harm
                        Enables velocity stations harmonic analysis.
                        Meteorological stations sampling frequency in minutes.
                        When this number is greater than 0, meteorological
                        stations output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --meteorological-stations-harmonic-analysis, --mete-s-harm
                        Enables meteorological stations harmonic analysis.
                        Concentration stations sampling frequency in minutes.
                        When this number is greater than 0, concentration
                        stations output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --concentration-stations-harmonic-analysis, --conc-s-harm
                        Enables concentration stations harmonic analysis.
                        Elevation surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        elevation surface outputs are written to disk during
                        hotstart phase.
  --velocity-surface-sampling-rate-spinup VELOCITY_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP, --velo-spinup VELOCITY_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP
                        Velocity surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0, velocity
                        surface outputs are written to disk during hotstart
                        Meteorological surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        meteorological surface outputs are written to disk
                        during hotstart phase.
                        Concentration surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        concentration surface outputs are written to disk
                        during hotstart phase.
  --elevation-stations-sampling-rate-spinup ELEVATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP, --elev-stat-spinup ELEVATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP
                        Elevation stations sampling frequency in minutes. When
                        this number is greater than 0, elevation stations
                        output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --velocity-stations-sampling-rate-spinup VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP, --velo-stat-spinup VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP
                        Velocity stations sampling frequency in minutes. When
                        this number is greater than 0, velocity stations
                        output is turned on during hotstart phase.
                        Meteorological stations sampling frequency in minutes.
                        When this number is greater than 0, meteorological
                        stations output is turned on during hotstart phase.
                        Concentration stations sampling frequency in minutes.
                        When this number is greater than 0, concentration
                        stations output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --ascii               Request outputs in ASCII format. NetCDF is the
  --log-level {info,warning,debug}
  --hostname HOSTNAME
  --port PORT
  --wdir WDIR
  --binaries-path BINARIES_PREFIX, --binaries-prefix BINARIES_PREFIX
  --source-script SOURCE_SCRIPT
  --additional-mpi-options ADDITIONAL_MPI_OPTIONS
  --nproc NPROC, --ncpu NPROC
  --account ACCOUNT
  --slurm-ntasks SLURM_NTASKS
  --walltime WALLTIME
  --partition PARTITION
  --slurm-filename SLURM_FILENAME
  --slurm-rundir SLURM_RUNDIR
  --run-name RUN_NAME
  --mail-type MAIL_TYPE
  --mail-user MAIL_USER
  --log-filename LOG_FILENAME
  --slurm-nodes SLURM_NODES
  --slurm-launcher SLURM_LAUNCHER
  --extra-commands EXTRA_COMMANDS
  --module MODULES


The best_track_run command line entry point was designed to be able to generate a full parametric wind run in ADCIRC from the command line. This entry point essentially encapsulates most of the adcircpy functionality in a single command. The following is an example of how to invoke this functionality from the bash shell.

best_track_run \
    fort.14 \
    Ike2008 \
    --spinup-days=15 \
    --crs=EPSG:4326 \
    --fort13=fort.13 \
    --output-directory=Ike2008 \
    --constituents=major \
    --skip-run \
    --generate-linear-mannings \
    --tau0-gen \
    --timestep=1.0 \
    --elev=60. \
    --stations-file=coops.txt \
    --elev-stat=6. \
    --binaries-prefix=.python_env/bin \
    --overwrite \
    --use-slurm \
    --account=nosofs \
    --slurm-ntasks=800 \
    --partition=orion \
    --walltime=8 \
    --mail-type=all \ \
    --module=intel/2020 \
    --module=impi/2020 \
    --module=netcdf/4.7.2-parallel \
usage: best_track_run [-h] [--crs CRS] [--start-date START_DATE]
                      [--run-days RUN_DAYS] --spinup-days SPINUP_DAYS [--clip]
                      [--no-clip] [--fort13 FORT13]
                      [--coldstart-attribute COLDSTART_ATTRIBUTES]
                      [--hotstart-attribute HOTSTART_ATTRIBUTES]
                      [--timezone TIMEZONE] [--generate-tau0]
                      [--FFACTOR FFACTOR]
                      [--generate-linear-mannings | --generate-constant-mannings GENERATE_CONSTANT_MANNINGS]
                      [--constituents [{K1,O1,P1,Q1,MM,Mf,M4,MN4,MS4,2N2,S1,all,major}]]
                      [--tidal-database {hamtide,tpxo}] [--timestep TIMESTEP]
                      [--gwce-solution-scheme {semi-implicit,explicit,semi-implicit-legacy}]
                      [--boundaries-threshold BOUNDARIES_THRESHOLD]
                      [--land-ibtype {0,10,20}] [--island-ibtype {1,11,21}]
                      [--output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [--overwrite]
                      [--elevation-surface-sampling-rate ELEVATION_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE]
                      [--velocity-surface-sampling-rate VELOCITY_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE]
                      [--meteorological-surface-sampling-rate METEOROLOGICAL_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE]
                      [--concentration-surface-sampling-rate CONCENTRATION_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE]
                      [--stations-file STATIONS_FILE]
                      [--elevation-stations-sampling-rate ELEVATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE]
                      [--velocity-stations-sampling-rate VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE]
                      [--meteorological-stations-sampling-rate METEOROLOGICAL_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE]
                      [--concentration-stations-sampling-rate CONCENTRATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE]
                      [--elevation-surface-sampling-rate-spinup ELEVATION_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                      [--velocity-surface-sampling-rate-spinup VELOCITY_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                      [--meteorological-surface-sampling-rate-spinup METEOROLOGICAL_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                      [--concentration-surface-sampling-rate-spinup CONCENTRATION_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                      [--elevation-stations-sampling-rate-spinup ELEVATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                      [--velocity-stations-sampling-rate-spinup VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                      [--meteorological-stations-sampling-rate-spinup METEOROLOGICAL_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                      [--concentration-stations-sampling-rate-spinup CONCENTRATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP]
                      [--ascii] [--log-level {info,warning,debug}]
                      [--hostname HOSTNAME] [--port PORT] [--wdir WDIR]
                      [--keep-wdir] [--binaries-path BINARIES_PREFIX]
                      [--source-script SOURCE_SCRIPT]
                      [--additional-mpi-options ADDITIONAL_MPI_OPTIONS]
                      [--nproc NPROC] [--use-torque | --use-pbs | --use-slurm]
                      [--account ACCOUNT] [--slurm-ntasks SLURM_NTASKS]
                      [--walltime WALLTIME] [--partition PARTITION]
                      [--slurm-filename SLURM_FILENAME]
                      [--slurm-rundir SLURM_RUNDIR] [--run-name RUN_NAME]
                      [--mail-type MAIL_TYPE] [--mail-user MAIL_USER]
                      [--log-filename LOG_FILENAME]
                      [--slurm-nodes SLURM_NODES]
                      [--slurm-launcher SLURM_LAUNCHER]
                      [--extra-commands EXTRA_COMMANDS] [--module MODULES]
                      mesh storm_id

positional arguments:
  storm_id              National Hurricane Center (NHC) storm id. Examples:
                        AL132012 for Sandy2012 or AL152017 for Maria2017.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --crs CRS
  --start-date START_DATE
  --run-days RUN_DAYS
  --spinup-days SPINUP_DAYS
  --clip                Remove portion of best track outside mesh
  --no-clip             Keep portion of best track outside mesh
  --fort13 FORT13
  --coldstart-attribute COLDSTART_ATTRIBUTES
                        Use coldstart attribute that exists in fort.13 during
                        coldstart phase. Use --coldstart-attribute=all to use
                        all available attributes.
  --hotstart-attribute HOTSTART_ATTRIBUTES
                        Use nodal attribute that exists in fort.13 during
                        hotstart phase. Use all to use all available
                        attributes or use None.
  --timezone TIMEZONE
  --generate-tau0, --tau0-gen
  --FFACTOR FFACTOR     This is the constant friction coefficient used if any
                        of 'quadratic_friction_coefficient_at_sea_floor',
                        'bottom_roughness_length', are not passed as a nodal
                        attribute. Defaults to 0.02.
  --generate-constant-mannings GENERATE_CONSTANT_MANNINGS
  --constituents [{K1,O1,P1,Q1,MM,Mf,M4,MN4,MS4,2N2,S1,all,major}], -c [{K1,O1,P1,Q1,MM,Mf,M4,MN4,MS4,2N2,S1,all,major}]
                        Tidal constituent to be forced in the model. Pass
                        --use-constituent='all' to use all available
                        constituents (K1, O1, P1, Q1, MM, Mf, M4, MN4, MS4,
                        2N2, S1) or use --use-constituent='major'. For a
                        custom list of forcing constituents, pass -c= for each
                        individual constituent to use (case-insensitive). Use
                        None for no tidal forcing. Defaults to 'all'.
  --tidal-database {hamtide,tpxo}
  --timestep TIMESTEP
  --gwce-solution-scheme {semi-implicit,explicit,semi-implicit-legacy}
  --boundaries-threshold BOUNDARIES_THRESHOLD
  --land-ibtype {0,10,20}
  --island-ibtype {1,11,21}
                        Directory to which ADCIRC input files will be written
  --overwrite           Allows overwrite of output directory.
  --generate-only, --no-run, --skip-run
                        Generates and saves input files to the output
                        directory but does not deploy the ADCIRC run.
                        Elevation surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        elevation surface outputs are written to disk during
                        hotstart phase.
  --elevation-surface-harmonic-analysis, --elev-harm
                        Enables elevation surface harmonic analysis.
                        Velocity surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0, velocity
                        surface outputs are written to disk during hotstart
  --velocity-surface-harmonic-analysis, --velo-harm
                        Enables velocity surface harmonic analysis.
                        Meteorological surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        meteorological surface outputs are written to disk
                        during hotstart phase.
  --meteorological-surface-harmonic-analysis, --mete-harm
                        Enables meteorological surface harmonic analysis.
                        Concentration surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        concentration surface outputs are written to disk
                        during hotstart phase.
  --concentration-surface-harmonic-analysis, --conc-harm
                        Enables concentration surface harmonic analysis.
  --stations-file STATIONS_FILE
                        File containing list of stations for outputs. It will
                        parse the stations below the NOUTE, NOUTV and NOUTM
                        keywords for their respective stations list.
                        Elevation stations sampling frequency in minutes. When
                        this number is greater than 0, elevation stations
                        output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --elevation-stations-harmonic-analysis, --elev-s-harm
                        Enables elevation stations harmonic analysis.
  --velocity-stations-sampling-rate VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE, --velo-stat VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE
                        Velocity stations sampling frequency in minutes. When
                        this number is greater than 0, velocity stations
                        output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --velocity-stations-harmonic-analysis, --velo-s-harm
                        Enables velocity stations harmonic analysis.
                        Meteorological stations sampling frequency in minutes.
                        When this number is greater than 0, meteorological
                        stations output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --meteorological-stations-harmonic-analysis, --mete-s-harm
                        Enables meteorological stations harmonic analysis.
                        Concentration stations sampling frequency in minutes.
                        When this number is greater than 0, concentration
                        stations output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --concentration-stations-harmonic-analysis, --conc-s-harm
                        Enables concentration stations harmonic analysis.
                        Elevation surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        elevation surface outputs are written to disk during
                        hotstart phase.
  --velocity-surface-sampling-rate-spinup VELOCITY_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP, --velo-spinup VELOCITY_SURFACE_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP
                        Velocity surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0, velocity
                        surface outputs are written to disk during hotstart
                        Meteorological surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        meteorological surface outputs are written to disk
                        during hotstart phase.
                        Concentration surface output sampling frequency (in
                        minutes). When this number is greater than 0,
                        concentration surface outputs are written to disk
                        during hotstart phase.
  --elevation-stations-sampling-rate-spinup ELEVATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP, --elev-stat-spinup ELEVATION_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP
                        Elevation stations sampling frequency in minutes. When
                        this number is greater than 0, elevation stations
                        output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --velocity-stations-sampling-rate-spinup VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP, --velo-stat-spinup VELOCITY_STATIONS_SAMPLING_RATE_SPINUP
                        Velocity stations sampling frequency in minutes. When
                        this number is greater than 0, velocity stations
                        output is turned on during hotstart phase.
                        Meteorological stations sampling frequency in minutes.
                        When this number is greater than 0, meteorological
                        stations output is turned on during hotstart phase.
                        Concentration stations sampling frequency in minutes.
                        When this number is greater than 0, concentration
                        stations output is turned on during hotstart phase.
  --ascii               Request outputs in ASCII format. NetCDF is the
  --log-level {info,warning,debug}
  --hostname HOSTNAME
  --port PORT
  --wdir WDIR
  --binaries-path BINARIES_PREFIX, --binaries-prefix BINARIES_PREFIX
  --source-script SOURCE_SCRIPT
  --additional-mpi-options ADDITIONAL_MPI_OPTIONS
  --nproc NPROC, --ncpu NPROC
  --account ACCOUNT
  --slurm-ntasks SLURM_NTASKS
  --walltime WALLTIME
  --partition PARTITION
  --slurm-filename SLURM_FILENAME
  --slurm-rundir SLURM_RUNDIR
  --run-name RUN_NAME
  --mail-type MAIL_TYPE
  --mail-user MAIL_USER
  --log-filename LOG_FILENAME
  --slurm-nodes SLURM_NODES
  --slurm-launcher SLURM_LAUNCHER
  --extra-commands EXTRA_COMMANDS
  --module MODULES


The best_track_file entry point generates an aswip-ready “best track” file. This uses the adcircpy.forcing.winds.BestTrackForcing class.

best_track_file Sandy2012
usage: best_track_file [-h] [--save-path SAVE_PATH] [--start-date START_DATE]
                       [--end-date END_DATE] [--quiet] [--plot-track]
                       [--nws NWS]

generate `fort.22` information from HURDAT2 data

positional arguments:
  storm                 Can be StormYYYY (eg. Sandy2012), a storm id from the
                        HURDAT2 table
                        (, ora
                        file path to a track file in HURDAT2 format

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --save-path SAVE_PATH
                        path to which to write fort.22
  --start-date START_DATE
                        format is %Y%m%d%H
  --end-date END_DATE   format is %Y%m%d%H
  --quiet, -q           suppress console output
  --plot-track          show a simple plot of the track
  --nws NWS             which NWS forcing option to use


usage: fort63 [-h] fort63 {plot,animate,export} ...

Program to see a quick plot of an ADCIRC fort63 file.

positional arguments:
  fort63                Path to fort.63 file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


usage: plot_maxele [-h] [--plot_timestep_of_maxele] [--fort14 FORT14]
                   [--title TITLE] [--vmin VMIN] [--vmax VMAX] [--cmap CMAP]
                   [--levels LEVELS]

Program to generate a plot of an ADCIRC `maxele` file.

positional arguments:
  maxele                Path to maxele file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Plot the timestep of the maximum elevation value
  --fort14 FORT14       Path to fort.14 file (required if maxele files is not
  --title TITLE         Plot title override.
  --vmin VMIN
  --vmax VMAX
  --cmap CMAP
  --levels LEVELS


plot_fort61 /path/to/ MSL --show --coops-only
usage: plot_fort61 [-h] [--show | --no-show] [--coops-only] [--save SAVE]
                   path {MHHW,MHW,MTL,MSL,MLW,MLLW,NAVD88,STND}

Program to see a quick plot of an ADCIRC mesh.

positional arguments:
  path                  Path to ADCIRC fort.61 or file.
                        Tidal station datum, must match vertical datum of

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --show                Shows plots to screen as they are generated (default).
  --no-show             Prevents the plots from showing to screen. Useful for
                        only saving the plots without showing them.
  --coops-only          coops plots to screen.
  --save SAVE           Directory where to save plots. Will be created if it
                        doesn't exist. It will also overwrite files unles
                        --resume-save is used.
  --resume-save         Directory where to save plots. Will be created if it
                        doesn't exist.


plot_mesh /path/to/fort.14 --show-elements
usage: plot_mesh [-h] [--crs CRS] [--show-elements] [--no-topobathy]
                 [--vmin VMIN] [--vmax VMAX] [--plot-boundaries]
                 [--diagnose DIAGNOSE]

Program to see a quick plot of an ADCIRC mesh.

positional arguments:
  mesh                 ADCIRC mesh file path.

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --crs CRS            ADCIRC mesh crs.
  --vmin VMIN
  --vmax VMAX
  --diagnose DIAGNOSE